Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My Favorite Way to Learn Music

One of the most beneficial things for my growth as a musician has been jamming with other musicians. There are so many things that you can learn by listening to the people that you are playing with.

Although it is certainly more fun to jam with people in person, there is a lot to be learned just by putting in a CD and playing along with music that you enjoy hearing. This is something that I have been finding really helpful as I am learning the guitar. I find that it's really good practice just to play along the best that I can with U2, Taylor Swift, Johnny Cash, or anything else that I might be listening to at the time. Even if you aren't at a point where you can follow along with the melody or the chords, there is still a lot that you can learn just from mimicking the rhythms of some different songs.

Me Jamming with The Who
I am sure that this works better for some people than others. Because everyone learns things a little bit differently But I encourage you to give this a shot.

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